Our last two days in Rennes were a lot of fun, we went to the Cote de Bretagne with Yann and visited pretty Cancale and beautiful St. Malo. It rained a lot but we were able to get a few breaks between the showers and walk around. Both places are very popular tourist destinations, Cancale is a small fisherman town where they have les moules and oysters, and the local people have a reputation of being crazy, hence their kids are even crazier and the teachers in schools have a very difficult job... (info by our guide Yann). And St. Malo is an old fortified city with gorgeous houses, really stunning, even Mick Jagger owned a house there and would come party with his buddy David Bowie... (info by our guide Yann).
One last thing worth mentioning here is our menu for the day:
breakfast - pastries (chausson aux pommes, pain au chocolat) & coffee
lunch - lovely french cake (le flan nature)
and for desert big, bad ice cream served by a very rude boy while he was constantly texting.
The next day we went to the Market to eat the deliciously greasy Gallette Saucisse avec Fromage, and meet with Miko's friends and their colony of children running around.

After that we took the train to Paris!

We stayed in Paris for 4 days with Nolwenn and Stephane. Nolwenn is Miko's friend from Art School in Rennes and her boyfriend Stephane is a musician, you can check his music at http://www.myspace.com/bunq and also http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=33634966
The logos for both bands were designed by Nolwenn, very cool. (we love promoting our friends :)
As soon as we got to their place on Saturday night, they had a few friends who came over for the apero. After we went to a restaurant Ramuleau (the same place where Miko and I had our fancy dinner 6 years ago, the first time I came to Paris). After the restaurant we went to a bar called Liberte, full of local drunks and party people. It was a funky mix, where the bartenders drank as much as the clients, and our friend Nolwenn broke a glass as soon as we got in (desole Nolwenn, je devais le mentionne). We had one mojito which was so strong and bad that it gave us a headache for the next 12 hours, but that did not stop us from having fun until 3am. Our biggest party night during our stay in France.
The next few days we spent riding bikes around Paris. The Velib is a new thing in Paris, started about a year ago, and basically you have bicycle stands every 300 meters all over the city and the first 1/2 hour is free. The trick is to take the bike, ride to your destination or stop half way and find another bike stand to check the bike in and then check it out right away and then you have another 1/2 hour to ride for free. During our stay in Paris, we never used the metro, except to get to the airport and back, and we did not spend a cent on transportation. How cool is that?! Besides it was the best way to visit and experience the city, even though Hana got really scared a few times while riding in the city. Imagine going around the Rondpoint among the cars, and scooters on one of the main boulevards, hoping you are going to come out alive :)
In Paris, nobody respects the traffic rules, not pedestrians crossing the street when they are not supposed to, nor the scooters riding on the side walks, nor bicyclists like us riding everywhere on side walks and in the opposite direction of the traffic. It is Paris after all and that's how it goes over there. On our first day we were 8 bikes riding together and it was like a mini Critical Mass (Hana loved it).
On Monday, Hana got her last vaccine for Japanese encephalitis!!! Yes, it is done and we don't have to carry the thermos around with us anymore and worry about the temperature inside!
Our last day in Paris, we went on the bike ride with Nolwenn and followed the canal Saint Martin (famous because of the movie Amelie) all the way to a beautiful man made park Les Buttes Chaumonts. On the way there we saw the shooting of the TV show RIS, the cheaper version of the american tv show CSI. We ended our day in style (french style), eating pastries and cakes in the artisan shops on the street Rue des Martyrs. Miko had only one, but Hana and Nolwenn had 2 each.
Our diet during the past 2 weeks has been 50% pastries. Soooooooooo Goooooooooooood!!!!!!
It is probably good we left France before our behinds became so fat that we couldn't move anymore.

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